Saturday 29 September 2012

Connecting Canora's Colours: A day of cultural exploration!

On Friday afternoon we had the opportunity to attend this fantastic expo celebrating the many cultures that shape our community.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Fun with World Geography

Today in Social Studies we took at look at this super cool interactive world map: .

Please explore this valuable tool further at home!


We now have access to the wonderful world of Raz-Kids! This website is fabulous for reading at home and at school. The purpose of participation in is not for points or prizes -  it's for practice and enjoyment! (teacher username: lmiless)

Sunday 23 September 2012


On behalf of the reptile enthusiasts in our class, I made a trip to the snake pit at Fort Livingstone this weekend. Check out what I found . . . 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Moving Day

It was a busy day for the students in our class. We said good bye to our grade 2 classmates and hello to six new grade threes from Mrs. Ostafie's room. The move was hectic but the students handled it with such responsibility that it went very smoothly. We are now a class of 17 grade three students. We will miss our friends from grade two and we wish them luck in Mrs. Prychak's and Mr. Chorneyko's rooms. We are very excited to welcome our new grade threes!

Tomorrow is Dot Day. If you would like to find out more about this event check out . . .

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Number Line

Here is the link to an interactive number line - students may use it to help them with their math homework or just for fun.

Monday 10 September 2012

Back to School Jitters

After reading Back to School Jitters on the first day of school, we were inspired to share what was giving us the "jitters" that day. Students wrote something about which they were feeling excited or nervous and posed for a photo, modelling body language reflective of their emotions, resulting in some fairly theatrical interpretations.

Classroom Expectations

Last week we held a "meeting of the minds" to generate ideas about our expectations, as a class, for a positive classroom environment. In groups of three and four, students spent a few minutes answering each of the six key questions. Click on the photos to see our thoughts (I apologize - the images aren't very clear).

Sunday 9 September 2012


FYI - if you click on any of the photos posted on the blog, they will open in a larger view. Also, if at any time you would like me to email you one of the photos posted, just let me know!