Thursday 20 June 2013

Candy, Please!

Writing with strong voice - connecting to the reader and showing emotion, has been the focus of our writer's workshop recently. What better way to practice these newly perfected skills than to ask your teacher for something you really want - CANDY! Check the writing below to discover how convincing these kids can be when LICORICE is on the line.
Click here --> CANDY

Sunday 9 June 2013

Duck Mountain

What an amazing field trip! Thursday's adventures at Duck Mountain included archery, wall climbing, geocaching, aquatic exploration, and a wiener roast. Check out the photos:

Thursday 11 April 2013

Dental Hygiene

It's National Dental Hygienists Week!

Jennifer Predinchuk came this morning to teach us all about how to keep our mouths healthy and provided everyone with a new tooth brush. Get those coloring contests in by Friday, April 19th and DON'T FORGET TO FLOSS!

Monday 8 April 2013

Cherry Blossoms

Today's art was inspired by my Easter Break-visit to Victoria (in an attempt to bring back some of the warmth of spring weather in full bloom!).




Wednesday 27 March 2013

Wednesday 13 March 2013

A Friendly Visitor

Today we had a special visit from Eric, a puppy in training to work for the RCMP!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Sentence Flu

Today we did a sentence fluency writing activity. Groups chose a topic and members took turns rolling a die and writing a sentence of as many words as the number rolled. No two sentences could begin with the same word. Check out the fantastic results below.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Is spring coming?

Do you know if the groundhog saw his shadow?

Special Compositions

Earlier on the blog I mentionned that we were launching a writing project about our special belongings. Since then we have completed all stages of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing! Click on the names below to check out animated booklets of each student's composition, from start to finish.